Paulo Gast
Verfasst am: 04.12.2014, 12:07 Titel: WMirJuYMknvmnQywPfjU |
I happen to have execripnee with both I.U.D.'s and this is my opinion. As stated above, I have no medical background, unless you consider my staying at a Holiday Inn Express in the last few years as execripnee. However, my execripnee has been this: I had a copper I.U.D. inserted in 2005 (against the advice of my o.b. he recommended the Mirena.) Before that, I had been taking the pill. For years and years I struggled with weight, complexion issues and lethargy even though I dieted constantly and worked out almost maniacally. Once I got the copper I.U.D., I immediately started feeling better more like myself. I had unlimited energy and my skin started to clear up. I lost weight (35 pounds, even though I pretty much started eating anything I wanted within reason) and my periods were fairly light with my cycle almost 28 days like clock work. I never had any problems, including not getting pregnant. It worked exactly as I was told it would by my female chiropractor, who was also using it.Fast forward to 2011. My o.b. told me it was time to have the copper I.U.D. removed and that it was no longer available and that I should try the Mirena. Let me say that this man has been my doctor for almost 20 years. He delivered my son, and I love him dearly. However, once I had the Mirena inserted, I began to feel bad. First of all, it was the most painful thing I've ever had done. The copper one was very uncomfortable going in, but this was astronomically painful. Immediately, I was sick and almost passed out. I feel tired again and I've gained about 14 pounds that I cannot get rid of. In short, I'm miserable. I want the copper one back!! But, I also don't want to go through that pain of having one inserted again. It looks like I'm about to talk my husband into a vasectomy. |